Installation Art

The Humble Umbrella as Art

Beach umbrellas - San Vito Lo Capo

Umbrellas as installation art? Who would have thought? But when I reflect on the many typical Mediterranean beaches we have encountered on our summer sojourns it is there, surely, that some artist originally drew inspiration for such a colourful and eye-catching work. Most Med beaches sprout a dense and colourful sprinkling of umbrellas on their sands over the summer season. Somehow, competing clubs manage to privatise sections of beach (something unheard of in Australia and New Zealand) and dot their section with large sun umbrellas for members, or paying customers to sit under.

The installation art I refer to in this article is not to be confused with the famous (infamous) installation titled “The Umbrellas”; a creation of Christo and Jeanne-Claude (Christo is renowned for his ‘wrapping’ of large-scale monuments). I use the word ‘infamous’, because at the Californian installation, where 1,760 yellow umbrellas each measuring 6 meters in height and 8.66 meters in diameter were erected, one toppled during high winds and killed a woman while injuring several others. The exhibit was ordered to be closed immediately, but a second death occurred during the removal of the umbrellas. An earlier exhibition in Ibaraki, Japan, of 1,340 blue umbrellas was, fortunately, incident free.

Installation Art Umbrellas - Sciacca

No, the installations I speak of are somewhat more modest in scale but nonetheless bring joy (and shade) to pedestrians and shoppers perambulating beneath their colourful presence. I believe it was an initiative of the council in Águeda (a Portuguese town) that enabled the concept to be realised. Here, back in the summer of 2012 as part of their annual arts festival, Agitagueda, the umbrellas were first erected as an art installation. We, however, first encountered a (perhaps more modest) representation of it in Sciacca, a town on the southwest coast of Sicily in July of 2015 – I guess the concept is readily copy-able, and the humble umbrella as an object of art is certainly not new to the world. This latter fact is potently and beautifully evinced in the following link to Art Mundus: Art Mundus – Umbrellas In Art

While we are on the subject of umbrellas and their use as eye-catching display; here is more artistic (well, attractive) use of them on the outside of the very interesting Bar Turrisi, or ‘Penis Bar’ (that’s not a translation) in Castelmola, Province of Messina, Sicily. Inside, this famous bar houses a fascinating collection of phalli, which will, at least, bring a smile to the visitor’s lips while they sup on one of the excellent beverages. Well worth a visit.

An unusual and old bar on 4 levels in Castelmola, with phallic symbols throughout its interior